Student Executive Board


The C/B Hillel Student Executive Board (E-Board) is here to serve all Columbia/Barnard undergraduate Jewish students. Your 2024-25 E-Board is Hannah Solon (President), Rebecca Massel (VP Groups), Rebecca Chiet (VP Engagement), Abner Gordan (VP Programming), Micah Feit-Mann (Treasurer), and Sarah Bearden (VP Communications).

C/B Hillel E-Board is responsible for upholding, publicizing, and leading bi-annual revisions of the C/B Hillel Student Constitution. To view the most recent version, approved by the 2023-24 Student Executive Board and Leadership Council, click here.

To view E-Board’s public updates and statements, click here.

We would love to hear from you! Email The Student Executive Board ( with any questions or ideas.


Leadership Council

Columbia/Barnard Hillel’s Leadership Council is comprised of the leadership of Hillel’s student groups. The council meets several times a semester, under the guidance of the E-Board President and Vice President of Groups, to discuss broad issues related to student life at Hillel. In partnership with Hillel professional staff, E-Board also utilizes Leadership Council as a space to advance the relationships between and skills of our student leaders.