Maayan Daniel

Title: Israel Fellow

Maayan Daniel serves as an Israel fellow of the Jewish Agency. Maayan grew up in the city of Netanya, and was deeply involved in community service and volunteering with at-risk youth from an early age. Following high school, Maayan spent two years in national service at a home for lone soldiers in Ra’anana. In this role, she provided emotional support, took care of logistical needs, coordinated with their units, and became part of their extended family. Upon completing her national service, Maayan graduated with a bachelor’s degree in marketing and communications with a specialization in business administration from Reichman University. During her academic journey, she gained valuable experience through an internship with a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway.

Maayan’s sense of communal responsibility was greatly influenced by her experience as an accompanying guide on a trip to Poland for at-risk children. This journey played a central role in reshaping her understanding of the world and her Jewish identity. Maayan is excited to join the Columbia/Barnard Hillel team to share her perspective as an Jewish Israeli of Ethiopian descent, and to connect with students about all of their unique backgrounds and perspectives as well.