Sofi Boczkowski

Title: First Year Engagement Associate
Email: [email protected]
Sofi Boczkowski is excited to join the Columbia/Barnard Hillel team as the First Year Engagement Associate. A native of Evanston, IL, Sofi graduated in 2023 with her B.A. in Global Health and Spanish from Northwestern University. During her time at Northwestern, she spent every single day in the Hillel Building, was a proud member of Best Buddies, and was active in student theatre as a stage manager and producer. During Sofi’s time at Northwestern, she also worked for 18 months at Northwestern Feinberg Global Health Institute doing COVID-19 research and also worked at an INGO called Americares doing safeguarding and Protection. Sofi’s involvement with Northwestern Hillel ranged from being part of the Chanukah Planning Committee, attending Challah for Hunger, being part of the Hillel formal committee, and attending all of the many activities and programming. Northwestern Hillel was her favorite part of her college years! As the First Year Engagement Associate, she hopes to connect with a wide range of first year students, learn about the best coffee shops around campus, and find new, creative, and meaningful ways to create community.